



All too often we tend to construct inour mind a special building to house something—depending on what we experiencein the sublunary glitz and glamour — a heart that is time-worn, innocent,hesitant, tranquil or hopeful; a sustained reverence for a noble life despiteall those temptations and herd-followers; a sense of ghoulish despair after awild goose chase; a deep desire for an ideal that takes un unyielding pursuit;or time capsules with special memories stowed away in them.


In a nutshell, we find the buildingprivate and safe, but not necessarily comfortable. No one is allowed in, exceptthat we ourselves go there from time to time for some revamping or renovation.What could be the fruit of our labor? A sunlit resort? A stuffy prison cell? A labyrinthwhere we will never find the way out? Or an amazing amusement park full ofchildlike innocence? Anyway it is in here that we will lead an existence — peacefulor passionate, solitary or sparkling.


However, these may be nothing more thanour mental creation, so are all that meets our eyes, including rainbows—an accidenceoccurrence. We are tempted to head in the direction of a rainbow, searching fora more secure place where we can build our own world. When a rainbow comes intoour view, it appears a physical existence that takes up a specific space. Butwhen we send ourselves on its quest, we cannot help but wonder—where is therainbow? Even when we reach where the rainbow seems to meet the earth, it’sgone. In fact, we know too well that despite all the painstaking search, theserenity of the end of the rainbow always eludes us.


Idon’t quite understand the relation between “mind” and “caitasika (mental factors)”, and the argument that “the existenceof everything is only a reflection of your mind” also remains Delphic for me.But I believe that only by arousing our compassion and sympathy, ceasingbuilding contrived “happiness” everywhere, stopping creating conditionsrecklessly for such contrivance, and instead warmly melting into the rainbow,can we gain permanent and profound inner peace immune from external influence.My recent works explore the relations between “me” and “us”, as well as between“mind” and “caitasika” in the processof arousing such compassion and sympathy.


About the “Me” Series


In 2015, I began to try combining theChinese character for “me” with lamplight, metal and canvases. Lamplight isused to present the subtle changes in light; metal serves to bring a sense ofwarmth to cool-toned images; and canvases makes for easier daily recording. Allof these are meant to convey my feelings about “me” and “us”.


Myinitial inspiration came from the subtle changes in my relationship withsomeone special. You should know how hard it would be for an emotional soul tostrike a balance between “us” and “me” in this process of swings! When tryingto express myself through various forms of works, I keenly feel that self-centrismis such a habitual and entrenched mentality that regarding oneself as thecenter of the universe at the expense of others seems to be natural as breath —which, however, is the origin of pain and problems. We meet with adversity fromtime to time, but we seldom have the wisdom to triumph over them. We will neverfind the long-lost inner peace, unless we shift the focus from “me” to “us” byarousing our sympathy and compassion to love and care for others with more “qualitytime” and more heart-warming experiences.







Profileof Kan Min

Bornin 1986,

Nowliving in Beijing

Graduatedfrom Fine Arts School Affiliated to China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 2006

Graduatedfrom Beijing Language and Culture University in 2015


Jobscan be changed, but art is a life-long pursuit! Kan Min was once an assistant aromatherapist and hypnotist at a naturopathy clinic, auditing elementary andintermediate hypnosis courses with certification by the GHSC (British GeneralHypnotherapy Standards Council). She participated in the program of the muralpainting “Recruiting Talent on the Golden Platform” for the Jintai Xizhaostation on Line 6 of the Beijing Subway. As personal assistant of the notedartist Wang Huaxiang, she coordinated the exhibition entitled “Carry the Tiger downthe Mountain: Works of Wang Huaxiang and His Students” by the Central Academyof Fine Arts. She served as art director with a theater education art center,responsible for the artist presentation, maintenance and management of thebrand image, and for the planning and executive management of artisticactivities. In addition, she even headed the planning department for a jewelrybusiness, in charge of the overall brand design. No matter what does, she neverleaves the world of art!



Solo exhibition:

2015 “Me·Us=Meetinga Complete Me” Exhibition (Beijing)


2016 空隙:關(guān)系 北京


2016 “Lacuna:Relationships” Exhibition (Beijing)


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